Company profile

The company is an online store of mobile phones, accessories,gadgets, games and unusual gifts. It is based in Drama and was founded in 2008. Our store also maintains a showroom at 9 Aeschylou Street, Drama.

We created this online store driven by the needs that we ourselves as Internet users have identified, and we try with this online store to cover the gaps that exist. In this effort, we believe that your contribution is also needed, as your suggestions, comments and observations are the best possible result for us.

Our purpose is to provide you with products that you need first and foremost, but cannot easily find anywhere else.
Our obligation is that the products are safe and are a special gift for you and your loved ones.
Our concern is to provide smart quality and the most competitive products on the market.
Our products are aimed at consumers as well as businesses that are interested in including them in their catalog.

gadget-shop company
gadget-shop company
gadget-shop company